The best way to pay off high-interest credit card debt comes down to personal preference. If you're motivated by saving as much money as possible down to the last penny, you'll probably prefer the ...
Police in Connecticut have launched a manhunt for a suspect who opened fire on a pair of kids, striking a 12-year-old multiple times, after the children hit the gunman’s car with a snowball last ...
Police in Hartford, Connecticut, are searching for the suspect who opened fire at a 12-year-old who threw a snowball at a car. Officers responded to a report of a shooting around 7:15 p.m ...
A 12-year-old boy in Connecticut has been shot after throwing a snowball at a car, according to police. On Wednesday, Jan. 22, at approximately 7:15 p.m. local time in the area of Capitol Avenue ...
A 12-year-old boy was shot and wounded in Hartford, Conn., after hitting a car with a snowball Wednesday night, police said. The unidentified pre-teen was horsing around and throwing snowballs in ...
Claus are seen approaching, then throwing a snowball at the camera. Moments later, Santa throws another snowball before giving a big smile. Want to share your own winter wonderland photos and videos?
FOX Weather Meteorologist Bob Van Dillen spoke about his experiences learning about avalanche mitigation, ice climbing and being in a snowball fight for FOX Weather Ski House in Steamboat Springs, ...