In Socialism: Utopian and Scientific Engels wrote: The growing perception that existing social institutions are unreasonable and unjust, that reason has become unreason, and right wrong ...
He and others close to me, my friends, all come from the same place — socialism. There are many idealists among them. Romantics. Today they are sometimes called slavery romantics. Slaves of utopia. I ...
Felons get to vote. I mean, this -- this is the single biggest attempt to turn America into their socialist utopia and be of one United Socialist States of America through the biggest power grab ...
Socialism is Utopia as a creative project made of science and ideal, of knowledge and will. This is the meaning we give to the movement we have just experienced. We derive it as much from the attitude ...
Alex Snowdon looks at a key nineteenth-century debate that still reverberates today Marx was not born a Marxist.
The film's synopsis reads: Eight Postcards from Utopia is a found-footage documentary assembled exclusively out of ...