This repository contains the dataset used in the submitted paper: Fast 3D rotation estimation of fruits using spheroid models. Currenrly under review. The data folder contains the images of the ...
Abstract: The exact curve is found for the nose-on radar cross section of a perfectly conducting prolate spheroid whose ratio of major to minor axis is 10:1, for values of \pi times the major axis ...
Abstract: A new analytical method for the computation of a truncated series of solid spherical harmonic coefficients (HCs) from data on a spheroid (i.e. an oblate ellipsoid of revolution) is derived, ...
SpheroidSnap is a script written in Python that analyzes the geometry of spheroids from photographs taken from an optical microscope (even with a regular smartphone ...
Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture spheroids and aggregates are preferred over monolayer cell culture due to their architectural and functional similarity to solid tumors. To study expression ...