The movie follows twin brothers Bill and Hal who, when find their father’s old monkey toy in the attic, a series of gruesome deaths start. The siblings decide to throw the toy away and move on with ...
Made from petroleum, red dye 40 is a synthetic food dye. Some studies suggest a link between red dye 40 and ADHD behavior; the dye might trigger or exacerbate behavioral changes in sensitive children.
To the editor — OK, you MAGA hats. I see your leader is already empire-building (Panama and Iceland). When 2029 comes around and he won't leave, it is on you to fix it. If you are sending a ...
After years upon years of waiting, the Straw Hat Pirates are finally in Elbaf, and fans cannot wait to see the exciting events of this arc unfold as the story continues. As always, the Straw Hat ...
A hospital is asking for donations of knitted hats for babies. The Red Hat Project will provide a red hat to any baby who requires extra observations when being cared for on the postnatal ward in the ...