New Bedford, not too long ago, was blessed to have the smell of fresh bread wafting through the city from the iconic Sunbeam Bread bakery. It's been decades since Sunbeam Bakery on Coffin Ave in New ...
If you’re on a budget, but still enjoy a homemade loaf, the Hamilton Beach Artisan Dough & Bread Maker is a smart buy. Despite its price, it offers 14 settings and can produce a 2lb loaf.
She moves on to a loaf of Sunbeam bread. The expiration date is Oct. 2. “We’ll check some out from the middle [of the loaf],” she says, pulling out several slices. “None of it is molded.” ...
And the Sunbeam Big Fill Toastie Maker is top of its class, with non-stick plates that allow you to cook sizeable sandwiches without fear of losing half of it to the sides of the device. Know the news ...