On Thalapathy Vijay’s last movie, VTV Ganesh gave a shocking statement regarding Anil Ravipudi turning down the actor’s remake request. Read for more deets!
Actor Wamiqa Gabbi, who was recently seen in Baby John with Varun Dhawan, will reportedly share screen space with Ranveer Singh. The duo is said to be a part of an upcoming superhero film directed by ...
Anand Kumar, a Maths genius from Bihar, India, decides to start a one-of-a-kind IIT entrance training program where money does not govern the fates of hopefuls.
Lamar Jackson and Derrick Henry combined for 267 yards on the ground as they sliced open the Steelers repeatedly in a 28-14 victory in the Wild Card round.
Part of why the American superhero movie is so popular with studio executives isn’t necessarily because it works every single time. However, when these titles do resonate with the general public, they ...