Using telescopes like Hubble, researchers found a supermassive black hole in galaxy SDSS J1354+1327, 900 million light-years away, blowing hot gas bubbles. NGC 1275, or Perseus A, is a galaxy at the ...
In this artist’s concept, matter is stripped from a white dwarf (sphere at lower right) orbiting within the innermost accretion disk surrounding 1ES 1927+654’s supermassive black hole. Astronomers ...
"Finding more supermassive black holes that are potentially hosting jets raises the question as to how these black holes grew so big in such a short timescale." Astronomers have discovered a ...
Multiple NASA telescopes recently helped scientists search the sky for supermassive black holes—those up to billions of times heavier than the sun. The new survey is unique because it was as ...
And every single one of those dots would be an accreting supermassive black hole." The universe could be packed with many more monstrous black holes ravenously feeding on their surrounding ...
There's a universe full of black holes out there, spinning merrily away—some fast, others more slowly. A recent survey of supermassive black holes reveals that their spin rates reveal something ...
AGN are supermassive black holes situated at the centers of certain galaxies. As matter is drawn into these black holes, immense energy is released. The AGN within the galaxy NGC 1068, a neighboring ...
Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO), as this type of variability is called, are notoriously difficult to detect in supermassive black holes. “This was our first indication that something strange was ...