Set in Syracuse, New York, in the mid ‘90s, Carmen Emmi’s debut feature revolves around a young cop assigned to a sting operation that forces him to confront his sexuality.
In 1978, the Norwegian parliament decided to build a dam in the Alta-Kautokeino river, right in the heart of Sápmi. A local conservation effort to preserve the river developed into a showdown against ...
A Windber woman faces criminal charges, accused of fleeing police driving 90 mph in a 55 mph zone with a 3-year-old passenger, authorities said. Windber Borough police charged Nicole Marie Clevenger, ...
Did you know macaroni penguins get their name from a macaroni, a term describing a man who dresses extravagantly? You can learn more about penguins this weekend at the ABQ BioPark Zoo. Or check out ...