A diseased Tasmanian ... "Devils are as tough as old boots," he said. "And that's a blessing in some situations and an absolute curse in others. They tend to be able to really cling on to life ...
Native to Tasmania, Australia and New Guinea, it hunted small to medium-sized animals and led a solitary, elusive life. The Tasmanian ... in Tasmania, the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii ...
Mrs Hardy said concern about the plight of Tasmanian devils was falling on “deaf ears”. “We’ve got this new football team called the Tasmanian devils but this is their reality.
They believe its role as a predator could have prevented the spread of diseases like the facial tumor disease affecting the Tasmanian devil population. Not all scientists are on board with the idea.
Millions of animals are killed, injured or orphaned every year on Tasmanian roads and Woolnorth Road in the states far north-west is a hotspot for devil deaths. Itchy and Scratchy the 6-month-old ...