Small in size and easy to maintain, budgies are extraordinarily friendly and affectionate. They also love to sing. A very intellignent species, cockatiels can mimic common household noises. A great ...
Three Japanese technology companies are testing the durability and performance of lightweight, flexible perovskite solar modules on a pier in Yokohama City. It is part of a larger three year research ...
2月6日, 洪田股份 ( 26.020, -0.17, -0.65%) 涨0.86%,成交额9052.02万元,换手率1.69%,总市值53.73亿元。 根据AI大模型测算洪田股份后市走势。短期趋势看,连续2日被主力资金减仓。主力没有控盘。中期趋势方面,下方累积一定获利筹码。近期筹码关注程度减弱。舆情分析来看,3家机构预测目标均价26.20,高于当前价1.43%。目前市场情绪中性。