Repair of injured turtle shells can be difficult and time-consuming ... The shell is composed of dermal bone covered with a tough keratin layer 1, comprised of individual scutes that can be ...
In a previous column, the author discussed the overall management of turtle shell injuries ... to the spinal column or pelvic or pectoral bones, respectively. Advanced imaging studies are ...
Oracle bones were often made from tortoise shells, as in this photograph, and from the shoulder blades of oxen. According to archaeologists, a fortune teller would carve a question into the bone ...
Unlike most turtles, whose shells are made of expanded and fused bones that form a relatively solid dome, widely spaced bones that looked more like the rafters of a roof held up Protostega's ...
Imagine that your body is 10 times the size of your limbs. Each of your four legs are short, thick, round and tipped with long narrow claws. Your body is also your home that you carry around with ...