Once mass-manufacturing made reliable transistors cheap enough for hobbyists, vacuum tubes became pretty passe, and it wasn’t long before the once mighty US tube industry was decimated ...
A vacuum tube is just that: a glass tube surrounding a vacuum (an area from which all gases have been removed). What makes it interesting is that when electrical contacts are put on the ends ...
[Usagi Electric] is breathtakingly close to having his Bendix G15 vacuum tube computer up and running. This week he is joined by a new friend, [Lloyd] who is restoring a G15 as well. [Lloyd] used ...
The hypothetical tunnel between the U.S. and the UK has been branded as a "high-risk" project by one of the world's leading ...
Korg has announced a trio of very unusual turntables that you can take anywhere. The new Handytraxx range can run on AA ...
Lee De Forest invented the audion, a vacuum tube device that could take a weak electrical signal and amplify it into a larger one. The audion helped AT&T set up coast-to-coast phone service ...
To clean the head, bin, and wand he advises: “Dampen a cloth with warm water. Begin wiping down the cleaner head, bin and ...
Part 5 provides spec summary of the GP/R K2-W vacuum-tube op amp and discusses measurement constraints/conditions and LTspice modeled output. The K2-W vacuum-tube op ...