Unlike stingrays, which use their tails for defense, cownose rays rely on theirs as an extension of their lateral line sensory system, allowing them to sense predators even when they cannot see them.
Cancers that spread to the spine move to the bone marrow of the vertebral column by way of blood vessels. Spinal cord compression can also occur through direct tumor extension, which is frequently ...
Brain organoids have predominated the field, but human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived models of the spinal cord are on the rise. This has required piecing together the complex interactions ...
Oct. 22, 2024 — Realizing a Phase I human clinical trial commencing to test the efficacy and safety of the transplantation of olfactory cell nerve bridges to treat chronic spinal cord ...
For all the known benefits CBD offers, it’s unclear how well it can relieve nerve pain. Few studies have looked at CBD and nerve pain specifically. With neuropathy, CBD research is even more ...