泰国警方在2月5日突袭曼谷一处豪华别墅,成功逮捕两名涉嫌运营跨国诈骗集团的中国籍嫌犯。逮捕过程中爆发了激烈冲突,嫌犯拼命试图销毁手机内的犯罪证据。警方首先在曼谷乍都乍区的Ratchayothin Village逮捕了30岁的Li Weijie。Li ...
Betterhomes发布的报告显示,迪拜房地产市场2024年的租金价格创下历史新高,朱美拉棕榈岛顶级别墅的涨幅最高,超过52%。紧随其后的是Jumeirah Village Circle (JVC) ,涨幅接近39%,MBR City的涨幅则超过15%。此外,优质公寓社区的租金也在去年大幅上涨,其中Dubai ...
"How can the stream be so clear? - It is because of the fresh water from its source (问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来)." The documentary about Sanming, Fujian, by the Turkish sinologist Giray Fidan entitled How can th ...
新华社北京1月29日电 综合新华社驻外记者报道:在中国农历蛇年来临之际,国际组织负责人和多国政要通过各种形式,向中国人民和海外华侨华人送上新春祝福,希望在新的一年里同中国加强合作,共创美好未来。
The Hong Kong International Horse Show will run from February 14 to 16 at AsiaWorld-Expo. This equestrian event is held in Hong Kong for the first time, with a prize money of up to HK$6.5 million.