Are you a lover of chocolate ... size too much.” Another passionately said: “It’s a Wispa and I will die on this hill. Heaven in the form of a rectangle”. Galaxy’ Ripple chocolate bar ...
Kochi: It’s been just a few weeks since the KSRTC announced that it is launching a double-decker bus in Munnar for tourists. The bus, which was part of the ‘Royal View Project’ of KSRTC, has ...
We also love Compartés for the brand's joyful flavor innovations, like incorporating glazed donut pieces into a chocolate bar. My career revolves around chocolate: from training at the Culinary ...
A road in North Molton is closed after a double decker bus and car crash this morning (Thursday, January 16). Emergency services were called to the collision on Burcombe Hill at 7.35am.