Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has sought answers to life’s greatest mysteries—Who are we? Where did we come from? What is our purpose? Among the many spiritual traditions that have guided ...
As NASA continues to discover thousands of new exoplanets, humans have increasingly asked: "Are we alone?" If other intelligent species exist in our universe, do they practice religion too? If so, how ...
Embracing challenging topics like religion in the classroom has been a transformative journey for my students and me. It has empowered them to think ...
The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Friday to hear a bid led by two Catholic dioceses to establish in Oklahoma the nation's first taxpayer-funded religious charter school in a case testing the separation ...
Amid the ashes of a funeral pyre, encased in burnt mud, was a papyrus scroll—the first to be found in mainland ... evidence about Greek philosophy and religion to come to light since the ...
The National Center for Fathering estimates that more than 20 million young people live in a home without a biological father present. The results can be devastating.