At the end of Wednesday’s episode, the show marked its Winter Wonderland Week by airing footage of hosts Ryan Seacrest and White skiing in Park City, Utah. In the clip, Seacrest sets off down the ...
"Wheel of Fortune" host Ryan Seacrest was tackled to the ground after an overly excited contestant competed on the beloved game show for the grand prize money. A Pittsburgh native named Daniel ...
Hosting "Wheel of Fortune" isn't all prize money and one-liners. Ryan Seacrest learned that lesson the hard way Tuesday when an overeager guest accidentally tackled him to the ground. When ...
“Wheel of Fortune” host Ryan Seacrest was thrown to the ground when an overzealous contestant won the popular game show’s $40,000 grand prize on Tuesday. Wheel Of Fortune / YouTube Seacrest ...
Even after Vanna White nailed Ryan Seacrest in the face with a snowball, fans can tell the Wheel of Fortune co-hosts are becoming besties. A behind-the-scenes video posted on Thursday, January 23 ...