A number of people had spotted the Linda T., a 1984 Bayliner registered in New York, adrift in the icy waters of Sandy Hook ...
An unoccupied 32-foot pleasure boat ran aground in Sandy Hook on Monday, authorities said Tuesday. The boat, a 1984 Bayliner, ...
The 32-foot 1984 Bayliner cabin cruiser landed by the head of the Shrewsbury River in Sandy Hook on Monday morning, authorities told the Asbury Park Press. Several people reported seeing the boat ...
SANDY HOOK - A 32-foot recreational boat with no one aboard ran aground near the mouth of the Shrewsbury River off the south end of Gateway National Recreation Area on Monday, according to federal ...
The U.S Coast Guard and The National Park Service are investigating a ghost ship that ran aground in Sandy Hook on Monday.
A judge will hear arguments today and decide whether to approve a settlement among Sandy Hook families about dividing $16M ...