City Councilmember Vickie Paladino, a Republican who represents parts of northeast Queens, said a "high-powered green laser pointer" can damage camera sensors, like the ones used to collect the MTA's ...
"Important warning: A high-powered laser pointer like the ones you find on EBay for under $30 can destroy a camera sensor. So if you buy one of these lasers, be sure to NOT point them at any cameras, ...
Doctors are warning about the dangers of laser pointers after a Lebanon, Missouri, student was injured. Rowen Bressner said a classmate pointed a red laser in her eye. Doctors are warning about ...
eBay is an e-commerce platform, at first only providing customer-to-customer auction services, expanding into business-to-consumer shortly afterwards. In the 2000’s, eBay went on a spending spree that ...
LEBANON, Mo. (KY3) - We’re looking at the danger of laser pointers. Doctors say they can cause some serious health problems. “She started seeing spots almost immediately,” said Jennifer ...
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