"While we have seen a decline in applications to our magnet schools, this was anticipated when the difficult decision was made to no longer provide bus transportation to those schools," Callahan said.
Abstract: Torque ripple and rotor mass of electric machines are very significant for aerospace applications, as they may influence the vibration level and system dynamic performance greatly. However, ...
process for magnetic ring with high precision, verifying the applicability of the modified constitutive model. The method combining experiments, simulation and microstructural analysis provides an ...
Recent research has focused on various aspects of Halbach magnets, including design methodologies, shimming techniques, and the application of multilayer configurations to improve performance in ...
To visualize a radial flux motor ... The 3D flow of magnetic flux occurs ­a­xially through the stator, radially through the air gap between them, and circumferentially through the rotor. The rotor has ...