Chee was also moved out of BioWare, but they post: "I'm now with Motive. It's been a hard two years seeing my team get ...
BioWare is reportedly now down to fewer than 100 employees after a round of layoffs and staff exits following the release of ...
But former BioWare senior writer Sheryl Chee recently took to Bluesky to reassure fans that Dragon Age isn't really dead, "because it's yours now." "A cool French woman dropped a cool quote from ...
近年来,随着游戏行业的不断发展,许多经典系列的未来走向备受关注。《龙腾世纪》作为一款拥有独特小说背景和多维角色的发展角色扮演游戏,在玩家心中占据了重要地位。然而,随着《龙腾世纪:影障守护者》的发布,这个系列似乎面临着生死存亡的危机。前编剧Sheryl ...
由于《龙腾世纪:影障守护者》的大溃败,终于忍不了的EA还是下了重手。虽然没有关闭BioWare,但对BioWare团队规模进行了大瘦身(很多员工被转移到了EA其他工作室),目前留下了不到100人,专注于开发《质量效应5》。受此影响,《龙腾世纪:影障守 ...
无论是战斗系统的优化,还是情节设定的深化,都是《龙腾世纪4》不可或缺的一部分。BioWare在时间的磨砺中塑造了一座耐人寻味的奇幻世界,玩家们通过与游戏中的角色互动,能够体会到人与人之间的情感纽带以及道德决策的复杂性。这种体验让很多人产生了深厚的情感与共鸣,正如Sheryl Chee所说的,游戏“将我们联系在一起”。
本周,电子艺术(EA)对其旗下的BioWare工作室进行了重组。在参与《龙腾世纪4》开发的员工中,部分人被调配至其他EA工作室,而其他员工则面临离职。据了解,曾负责《龙腾世纪4》高级编剧的Sheryl Chee已经被调至Motive工作室负责开发《漫威钢铁侠》。
本周,EA对BioWare进行了重组,涉及《龙腾世纪4》的部分开发人员被调到了其他EA工作室,部分面临离开。高级编剧SherylChee,她现在在Motive负责《漫威钢铁侠》的开发,在社交媒体上向粉丝表达了支持:“团队经历了调 ...
Several key Dragon Age: The Veilguard developers have reportedly either been let go from BioWare or moved to other studios within EA, but senior writer Sheryl Chee has some words of hope.