A sustainable future cannot be achieved without considering chemistry – the foundation upon which countless products are developed. We are committed to ensuring that the materials we bring to ...
New year—new you! Take a look at the science behind the everyday materials that help you achieve your goals. Each year, many of us find ourselves setting resolutions to improve our lives, whether it's ...
Debra Bauler is chief information & digital officer for Dow. A business-focused technology leader with a passion for delivering value through innovative and value-enabled solutions, Debra is ...
Bei Dow steht der Mensch an erster Stelle. Leidenschaftlich setzen wir uns für Integrität, Respekt und Sicherheit für unsere Kunden, unsere Beschäftigten und unseren Planeten ein. Unsere Beschäftigten ...
Bij Dow zetten we onze mensen op de eerste plaats en staat het leveren van integriteit, respect en veiligheid aan onze klanten, werknemers en omgeving hoog in het vaandel. Onze mensen vormen de kern ...