Facebook user Joy Schreiber noticed that the Illinois Bingo License and Tax Act permits local governments to conduct BINGO games “subject to” the restriction of a $10 maximum prize value for each game ...
EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. – A federal grand jury returned an indictment charging the former Wayne City police chief with selling forfeited items confiscated by the department for his personal benefit.
Shelby County and the Shelby County Dive Team were once again named Defendants in a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) Lawsuit alleging the county and its dive team failed to properly respond to ...
There have been alot of rumors spreading thoughout Edgar County the past few weeks, hopefully this will bring some of them to light. Today, the East Central Illinois Mass Transit District and Chester ...
Jersey County Treasurer Katie Abbey has been under investigation by the Illinois State Police Public Integrity Unit since at least October of 2024, after allegations surfaced of her misappropriation ...
There comes a point when enough is enough and terminations or resignations are in order. While Shelby County board and legal counsel have taken the position that attorney Ed Flynn is a “Special ...
Tiffany Henyard, the Mayor of Dolton and Thornton Township Supervisor, is also the owner of “Good Burger.” Good Burger has a contract with the South Suburban College to provide food and things to ...
Since May of 2021, Tiffany Henyard, Mayor of Dolton, Illinois has had her personal security detail follow her around nearly 24 hours a day. Payroll has exceeded $258,000 paid by Dolton taxpayers ...
Frank Mautino was appointed to be the Illinois State Auditor General in October of last year and began his official duties January 1st, of 2016, although not without some red flags getting raised. The ...
The Mayor of Chatham, Illinois, Thomas Gray – who is also an attorney (officer of the Courts), immediate past president of the Illinois Municipal League, and (recently retired) General Counsel to the ...
You may recall we did several stories on Revenue generation after the County Board chairman asked us to assist in finding revenue for the county. Although we have identified numerous areas for them to ...
According to the unofficial results, former Algonquin Township Trustee Racheal Lawrence loses her bid to hold her seat as a precinct committeeman to Michael Rein. It appears from the numbers the ...