「感動創造企業」ヤマハ発動機の企業情報をご紹介します 株主・投資家情報 投資家向け情報をご覧いただけます ヤマハ発動機グループの製品についてご紹介します。
We collect unique personal identifiers such as cookies to analyze our traffic and to personalize content and ads. We share ...
ヤマハ発動機グループの日本におけるお客様の個人情報の取扱いについてご確認いただけます。 ヤマハ発動機(以下、「当社」といいます。)および当社のグループ企業 [リンク](以下、「当社グループ」といいます)は、「世界の人々に新たな感動と豊か ...
At the same time as imaging, the device automatically recognizes cells and obtains the features of each sample. The target cell can be smoothly specified based on its cell morphology, position, and ...
Precision Tip™ is a tip part developed exclusively by Yamaha that realizes precise and damage-free suction and dispensing. It comes in two tip inner diameters: 46 µm and 180 µm, and it can flexibly ...
It comes equipped with eight picking units that approach the specified XYZ coordinates with high speed and high precision. Each unit is controlled individually and automatically corrects its tip ...
Here is the product information for CELL HANDLER 2, the latest model of the device for cell picking and imaging. Introducing CELL HANDLER™ Here we present an overview and user benefits of CELL ...
This picking device incorporates microscope-like usability. It is designed for everyday cell observation with a responsive motorized stage and a microscope-like user interface. It does bright-field ...
ヤマハ発動機株式会社は、1955年の会社創立から70周年の節目となる本年、27年ぶりに企業ロゴのデザインを変更します。新しい企業ロゴでは、デジタルでの活用を意識した、より視認性の高い2D(平面)の音叉マークを採用します。2025年1月以降、当社で使用 ...
Y-TRAC Rev connects with Y-Connect to relay information, including CAN data. You need to log in to Y-Connect to use these features.