The websites,, and (the “Websites”) are provided by The Nemours Foundation, including its brands such as ...
Take care of yourself and your growing family by getting the advice that all new parents and parents-to-be need. Read about babyproofing your home, staying healthy during pregnancy, coping with colic, ...
When people talk about the calories in food, what do they mean? A calorie is a unit of measurement — but it doesn't measure weight or length. A calorie is a unit of energy. When you hear something ...
The human heartbeat is usually steady: lub-dub, lub-dub. In some people, though, the blood makes an extra noise as it flows through the heart. This sound is called a murmur. Doctors hear a heart ...
What Are the Lungs and Respiratory System? The lungs and respiratory system allow us to breathe. They bring oxygen into our bodies (called inspiration, or inhalation) and send carbon dioxide out ...
When you were younger, your parents made the decisions about your health. They set up your doctor visits and did all the talking for you. Now that you're older, you know more about your body and mind.
It's tempting, but popping or squeezing a pimple won't necessarily get rid of the problem. Squeezing can push bacteria and pus deeper into the skin, which might cause more swelling and redness.
An accident or injury can occur in any part of your home. Some safety hazards are obvious — such as a toy truck left lying at the top of the stairs. Others are not so easily identified — such as a ...
What Are Bones and What Do They Do? Bones provide support for our bodies and help form our shape. Although they're very light, bones are strong enough to support our entire weight. In this soft bone ...
Every single person has a skeleton made up of many bones. These bones give your body structure, let you move in many ways, protect your internal organs, and more. It's time to look at all your bones — ...
The thyroid (say: THYE-royd) is a gland, which is an organ that makes special chemicals called hormones (say: HOR-moans). The thyroid is shaped like a little butterfly or bow tie and it sits under the ...
The doctor also can help your teen understand the importance of choosing a healthy lifestyle that includes good nutrition, proper exercise, and safety measures. The more that teens understand about ...