Component 10 primarily includes members who work for private corporations, contracted by the government to maintain provincial highways and bridges. The component also includes members employed by the ...
Unionizing your workplace with your coworkers presents an opportunity for better wages and benefits, job security, fairness in scheduling, stronger health & safety, a voice at your workplace, respect, ...
Component 4 includes members who provide health care and related services. They provide nursing care, personal care, housekeeping, building maintenance, laundry, activities, dietary, security and ...
We noticed a mistake on the previous ballot and need to re-do this vote, we apologize for the inconvenience. If you voted previously your vote will be considered invalid and you will need to vote ...
Burnaby, B.C. (Coast Salish Territories) - Members of the BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) are unsurprised by the report issued February 6, 2025, by British Columbia’s Representative for Children ...
The BCGEU (BC General Employees’ Union) is calling on the provincial government to bring Community Living BC (CLBC) back into direct government. The recent coroner’s inquest and conflict of interest ...
We are pleased to announce that the schedule is back up. It is now available on Teams with all sites being available to view. Our grievance won what we desired: the full schedule posted with every ...
Steady progress on non-monetary continues as the third week of bargaining wraps The third week of public service bargaining concluded last week in Victoria, and our bargaining committee continued to ...
Burnaby, B.C. (Coast Salish Territories) - Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) officers are concerned that their safety is at a tipping point. These workers – members of the BC General ...
The BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU) supports the coalition of former and current students who are opposing the closure of Surrey Learning Centres, also known as alternative education sites.
This system determines the grid level and corresponding pay rate for positions by evaluating the complexity of their work according to a series of benchmarks. In our collective agreement, jobs aren’t ...
Negotiations to begin for collective agreements covering over 34,000 BCGEU members working in the public service Burnaby, B.C. (Coast Salish Territories) - The BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) and ...