Hancock residents indicated an interest to explore consolidating their police force regionally, which will place the question of studying the matter on the March warrant.
Bennington residents will vote on a warrant article to establish a new fund for the town’s Sawyer Park recreation facilities at this year’s Town Meeting ballot session in March.
The Town of Jaffrey has hired the assessment firm Municipal Resources, Inc., to begin the process of a townwide revaluation to bring property assessments in line with current market conditions.
The state’s Housing Appeals Board has granted a rehearing for its November decision to uphold decisions of the New Ipswich Zoning Board to approve an application for a tea party business in the town’s ...
The Mariposa Museum, 26 Main St., Peterborough, will host a story circle at 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 1, for returned Peace Corps volunteers and others with similar service experience.
Jaffrey-Rindge Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr shone a light on the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s tireless efforts to secure voting rights for African-Americans with the timely theme “Voting: The ...