Help us create more opportunities for everyone to discover, discuss and critically examine science and the way it shapes our lives. The Ri has been connecting people with science for over 200 years.
Come and join our creative team of media producers and digital communication professionals gain experience of digital media and science communication. At the Ri, we see digital as a way to bring ...
From the first electrical transformer to the tube that told us why the sky is blue, view the actual objects scientists of the Royal Institution built in some of the world's most famous experiments.
Johan Mentink explores a brand new paradigm in computing, and looks at how it might offer faster solutions that can support scientific breakthroughs. Our brains consume around 20 Watts of power, a ...
The first ever prototype of Davy’s miner’s safety lamp. Created in 1815, it prevented the methane gas present in the depths of the mines from reacting with the flame and exploding. Following a number ...
Why join the Royal Institution as a member? The Ri is a charity that brings the public and scientists together to share their interest and passion for science. We empower people to explore and get ...
Almost 20,000 pieces of space debris are currently orbiting the Earth. This visualisation, created by Dr Stuart Grey, lecturer at University College London and part of the Space Geodesy and Navigation ...
Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue? The answer was first discovered over 150 years ago right here at the Royal Institution using this tube. John Tyndall was a keen mountaineer and spent quite ...
This vessel consists of glass flasks fitted one inside the other and sealed at the neck with a partial vacuum between them. The central flask is therefore insulated, keeping the contents cold and ...