In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...
From the Scandinavian south, Denmark, arrives for trial on the pages of TNT-Audio, a product which is in some aspects amazing: the Densen De Magic! Is this perhaps one of those particular systems of ...
What I heard here came as something of a surprise to me. While not wishing to generalise, my previous experiences with French speakers from Triangle which I had the opportunity to listen to, whether ...
NAD products tend to elicit strong opinions from hi-fi enthusiasts. There are those who consider them cheap and cheerful with quirky styling, and those who consider them as simply fantastic value and ...
Now, this is a rare and exotic creature - a digital to analogue converter that will handle 384kHz files. There are not many DACs that can do that. The only other one I've heard is the MSB Signature IV ...
Back in January 2011 (and I can hardly believe that it was that long ago) I reviewed a couple of very expensive items from Human Audio, They were both designed as no-compromise hi-fi, and ...
All that is needed to produce a sound wave is an oscillating diaphragm. And the choice of Hi-Fi loudspeakers available to achieve this function is endless: The almost universal entry point is the ...
Audio Note is elusive. If you are an avid reader of cellulose hifi magazines, you may have read appraisals from those top-class reviewers. Perhaps their product's unbelievable price tags are one of ...
TNT first reviewed the Harmony DA9 DAC in 2005 when Lucio concluded that is was something of a bargain. Since that time, Harmony Design have continued to develop the DA9 to improve it still further. I ...
Ever since my first experience with an early version of the Triangle Titus I have been hooked to that sound. It is a bit difficult to articulate all the whys and wherefores, but I am convinced it has ...
Damping feet, once again. I can't help but admit it's my fault. Yes, once you start reviewing these items, they start to invade your room and put themselves under everything which seems HiFi related.
The T-Amps and all the Class-D amplifiers that invaded the market in recent years introduced a new deal in HiFi: their unbelievable quality/price ratio was simply revolutionary. However a common ...