UFT Professional Committees organize social gatherings, conferences, workshops and other activities for members who share the same personal or academic interests. Enroll in a committee to receive ...
Employees may delay taking all or part of their bereavement leave to any point within three months of the death if the delay is in connection with a funeral or a memorial service that is scheduled ...
Administrators can observe teachers for evaluative purposes at any time after the Initial Planning Conference and then through the first Friday in June. In addition, half the required minimum number ...
At the UFT, we understand that developing successful schools and strong communities means investing in the well-being of students, families, educators and workers. The UFT is proud to sponsor an array ...
The UFT's New York City Coaches Association and PSAL Committee represents the interests of New York City public school coaches inside the UFT.
The Hellenic American Educators Association of the UFT represents members of the Greek community working in the New York City public school system. HAEA/UFT was established in 1975 with the enthusiasm ...
Substitutes and per diem teachers cannot join the Teachers’ Retirement System, but they may be eligible for pension coverage with the Board of Education Retirement System (BERS). Contact BERS at 65 ...
As a newly hired pedagogue, you will receive an e-mail from the DOE’s Department of Human Resources with important information on next steps in your career. This information should be placed in your ...