Bio-Synthesis Urine DNA Isolation Kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating DNA from 3 - 25 mL of urine. Many advantages favour the use of urinary DNA for cancer biomarker ...
Meal kits and prepared meal delivery have changed weekday dinners for good. Meal kits let you get the joy of cooking and preparing your own dinner without the hassle of planning and shopping.
For those who typically order takeout, meal kits may add more nutritional value to your day. If you are a TV dinner family more nights out of the week than you would like, using a meal kit can ...
February 23, 2023 • For something that's legally required, taxes can be confusing. This guide covers the latest credits and deductions — and helps you plan ahead for next year.
A great Dopp kit will keep your grooming essentials organized once you reach your destination and prevent them from leaking in your bag while you’re in transit. It must be waterproof (or at ...
Copy number variants (CNVs) arise by homologous recombination (HR) between repeated sequences (recurrent CNVs) or by non-homologous recombination mechanisms that occur throughout the genome (non ...
Ivermectin is a drug with a broad spectrum of effects. It is an antiparasitic and antiviral medication. It was found to have antiviral action against a variety of positive-sense ssRNA viruses, ...
Biosynthesis can be exploited for chemical synthesis in vitro or in cells like Escherichia coli by combining substrates with enzymes using recombinant methods. The introduction of fluoroalkyl ...
The dynamic structure of RNA plays a central role in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression such as RNA maturation, degradation, and translation. With the rise of next-generation ...