Our pass rush win rate metric tells us how often a pass rusher is able to beat his block within 2.5 seconds. Likewise, our pass block win rate metric conveys the rate linemen can sustain their ...
Mel's performance in the meta quickly became such an issue that players started permabanning her, and her win rate reached about 50.7% just a day after her release. To put things into perspective ...
As seen in the Season 1 win rates, underrated characters like Storm and Rocket Raccoon have proven to be more skilled than predicted as the improvements have changed the game in more ways than one.
NetEase Games has officially revealed the ranking of Marvel Rivals heroes by win rates. Picking the right Marvel Rivals heroes is quite challenging for beginners, considering that the meta is ...
After the buffs and nerfs made to Marvel Rivals heroes, the meta changed from season zero to season one, and Storm, who was the last-standing hero in pick rate, is now in the top position with the ...