The new study adds to growing evidence that measuring activated proteins is key to cancer therapy selection.Golden, CO, Feb. 10, 2025 (GLOBE ...
They analyze public RNA-seq data and found upregulation of TET2 coincident with downregulation of MOF and PTEN, genes involved in chromatin regulation and cell cycle. TET2 is upregulated during aging, ...
Although mutation in TP53 is a frequent mechanism by which p53 function is lost in tumorigenesis, in some types of cancer other routes prevail, such as gene amplification of key negative ...
PAM 信号通路促进肿瘤生长、增殖 PIK3CA 突变、PTEN 缺失或突变、AKT1 突变等是 PAM 通路异常激活的关键驱动因素[7]。数据显示,超过 50% 的乳腺癌患者存在由一个或多个基因变异导致的 PAM 通路异常激活[8]。其中,PIK3CA 基因突变的在中国乳腺癌患者中发生率约为 30% ...
The TP53 gene is a gene that is mutated in many cancers. It is the most common gene mutation found in cancer cells. A tumor-suppressor gene, TP53 codes for a protein that inhibits the development and ...
This happens through a process called epigenetics, whereby certain genes are expressed to a greater or lesser extent depending on a person’s surroundings. Abused children, for instance ...
Previous research has shown that this pathway, called the PI3K-AKT pathway, is frequently mutated in prostate cancer. Although the most common mutation, in a gene called Pten, had already been ...