The distinct population of endothelial cells that line blood vessels in the insulin-producing "islets" of the human pancreas have been notoriously difficult to study, but Weill Cornell Medicine ...
Hans Clevers 研究团队利用类器官技术解锁胰腺再生新篇章!刊发在《Cell》(IF:45.5)的最新研究论文[1]显示,科学家通过类器官和单细胞基因测序等技术,发现人类胎儿胰腺中的LGR5+干细胞群,并开发了一种能够在体外长期扩增并具备分化潜力的类器官系统,首次实现了人类胰腺三种主要细胞类型的体外生成。该研究为揭示胰腺疾病发育机制,开发治疗胰腺炎、糖尿病等胰腺相关疾病新药提供了新策略。
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by inflammation and necrosis of the pancreatic acinar cells. Mitochondrial homeostasis is key to energy metabolism and redox ...