Chief Minister Mohan Yadav said that only Ayurveda can help achieve a healthy and long life, aligning with the philosophy of 'Jivate Sharadah Shatam' (living for a hundred years). He said that ...
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares the powerful health benefits of two revered plants in Ayurveda: Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Amla (Indian Gooseberry). Read on to know more.
Herbalist Clare Kritter will bring herbal teas and products, workshop offerings and a new cafe serving coffee and botanical-inspired drinks to the former Driftless Depot later this spring.
Bhopal: Chief minister Mohan Yadav on Monday announced to establish an All India Ayurveda Institute in Ujjain and 11 Ayurvedic colleges across Madhya .