I've had my aura read twice before, but never in a fitness setting. The first time was on a trip to Sedona, AZ, which ...
Breathwork, especially within the first 30 minutes after waking up, improves dopamine levels, mood, and overall health.
Breathwork is one of the simplest yet most effective mindfulness tools to help you tune into your body and calm a busy mind.
Hot and cold therapy rooms, napping pods and digital detox spaces will form part of a £2bn development in London aimed at ...
Involving rapid, circular breathing to induce an altered state of consciousness – a state similar to one typically seen when ...
Mia Magik's sex magik ritual experience, in a Topanga home, promises to help you manifest your wildest dreams.
MyrLynn Anderson, owner and practitioner at FLY Remedies, offers unique transformative holotropic breathwork classes. She ...
Breathwork in various forms has been a healing modality for thousands of years, according to Lindsay Jackson, a breathwork ...
Breath-work practitioner and author Michael Wood says that we should all inhale and exhale consciously, ‘like dolphins’, ...
Under the influence of “holotropic breathwork,” your brain may be making its own psychedelic compound.