Each year, Noapara police station in West Bengal's North 24 Parganas district honors Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's brief detainment there in 1931 by the British. A memorial, including a preserved ...
British police officers have been told to avoid using phrases such as "black sheep" and "blacklisted" due to concerns about potential racial insensitivity. The recommendations are part of a nine-page ...
A British Transport police officer who had only just arrived to start his shift leapt into action to save the life of a man after he collapsed and stopped breathing at the Paragon Interchange travel ...
A British Transport police officer who had only just arrived to start his shift leapt into action to save the life of a man after he collapsed and stopped breathing at the Paragon Interchange ...
A man has denied vandalising memorials to two murdered police officers in Leeds. Black paint was sprayed on the stone memorials to PC Ian Broadhurst, who was shot and killed on Dib Lane in 2003 and to ...
South Yorkshire Police hired fewer new officers last year, newly-released figures have shown. New Home Office figures show South Yorkshire Police added a headcount of 28 officers to its ranks in the ...