From alpacas to pot-bellied pigs, the San Luis Obispo County Animal Services shelter has cared for some unusual critters.
A temporary dog fence could be just what you need if you can't build something more permanent just yet. Here's an easy way to ...
Dozens of Marines unfurled coils of concertina wire — one on the ground and one slightly above — making it more difficult to climb a border wall separating Tijuana from San Diego.
The base and framework of the house is concrete and steel over three floors, with an angled cat-slide steel roof. Calling in favours and some ingenious repurposing and recycling of alternative fabrics ...
Hoppe Development of Lincoln presented the council with a tax increment financing application for the $5.8 million project ...
In­tel­li­gence and In­ves­ti­ga­tions, Suzette Mar­tin, yes­ter­day ad­mit­ted that hav­ing to in­ves­ti­gate Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Er­la Hare­wood-Christo­pher was not go­ing down well with­in ...
A Galveston man appeared before the city council recently and demanded the city start eradicating the island’s coyote population. If not, he said, he’d start shooting them.
It transpires that Ellen, 67, committed a 'technical breach' when building a single-storey extension to the Cotswolds ...
Truly, just come to my living room, I’ve got cats who live here.” That is the idea behind Catzen Coffee, which opened on Grand Avenue on Jan. 1. Vanessa Beardsley, the owner, wants the cafe to become ...
If you've got a dog with a double coat (looking at you doodle and lab mix pals), these can be especially helpful in avoiding ...
Poisoned poles, hidden grenades and labyrinthine tunnels: so the Viet Cong have Keep up to the United States For twenty ...
Fourth in a series. Larry's teeth and gums felt much better; modern medicine also lifted his oppressive anxiety. Curley gained confidence and was learning to relax — out from under the bed. They were ...