The teams found that TG2 acts as a regulator of intracellular monoamine neurotransmitters with an ability to not only add monoamines to histone H3 but also erase and exchange one monoamine ...
By uncovering how these histone modifications influence the brain, the team has identified a novel mechanism for controlling circadian gene expression and behavioral rhythms. The team's findings ...
Words activate hidden brain processes shaping emotions, decisions, and behavior A team reveals the relationship of neurotransmitter activity with how humans process the emotional content of ...
Summary: Researchers have uncovered how neurotransmitters in the brain respond to the emotional content of language, shedding light on the intersection of emotion, cognition, and communication. Using ...
Neurotransmitters in the human brain are released during the processing of the emotional content of language, revealing how language influences emotions, decisions, and behavior.