Some bag-fixated PC IOL loop haptics become so fibrosed in the capsular recess that rotation is not possible without creating zonulodialysis, despite attempts at separating the anterior and ...
The degree of tolerance depends on IOL design, material ... different designs and materials perform differently inside the capsular bag. PMMA (Figure 13) and silicone, for example, cause more ...
Cathleen M. McCabe The overall idea of the belt loop technique is to have a suture that goes from the conjunctiva through the sclera, around the IOL haptic, through the capsular bag, and then out ...
The enVista Aspire toric IOL is indicated for primary implantation in the capsular bag of the eye in adult patients for the visual correction of aphakia and corneal astigmatism following the ...
Why then is “breaking the bag” one of the most feared ... to position and stabilize the IOL. The chief risk factors for a PCT are a weakened capsule or zonules due to prior trauma ...
The enVista Aspire ™ hydrophobic acrylic IOL (non-preloaded model EA) is indicated for primary implantation in the capsular bag of the eye in adult patients for the visual correction of aphakia ...