Proteins are the workhorses that keep our cells running, and there are many thousands of types of proteins in our cells, each performing a specialized ...
γδ T 细胞独特的抗原识别模式,与传统免疫细胞的识别模式不同。它不像自然杀伤(NK)细胞激活那样,通过激活受体和抑制受体的相互调节来实现快速反应;也不像 αβ TCR 那样,识别抗原肽和 MHC 复合物。γδ TCR 主要利用 CDR3δ 序列的保守侧翼区域结合配体,决定了其识别的蛋白配体种类有限,这种独特的模式可视为模式识别机制的一种补充。
Accumulation of fat molecules is detrimental to the cell. Researchers have made a breakthrough in understanding how our cells manage to stay healthy by recycling important fat molecules. Their study ...
Researchers identified a bacterial mechanism that pumps out antibiotics, making infections harder to treat. The MacAB-TolC ...