The Chibi Maruko-chan television series has aired in 60 countries and regions, including China. Visitors to a museum in Shanghai spoke lovingly about the program.
Japanese publisher Shueisha Inc. announced that the 18th volume of the popular “Chibi Maruko-chan” (Little Maruko) manga series by late author Momoko Sakura will be published on Oct.
Chibi Maruko chan is the nickname of a sweetly obnoxious 9-year-old girl. She tricks her grandfather, ponders for hours over how to spend her allowance, and hates sitting next to ugly boys.
Maruko, who has jumped out of her everyday life, travels on a mysterious adventure in a new world of fantasy. The simple, everyday life of Momoko Sakura, a young girl everyone calls Maruko, and ...
Popular programs include animation programs on commercial channels such as “Sazae-san” and “Chibi Maruko-chan” and children’s programs on ETV such as “Peek-a-boo!” and “Nihongo de ...
After last week's unparalleled victory on the Japanese TV anime rankings chart, Demon Slayer has again slipped two ranks, giving way to long-running staples Sazae-chan and Chibi Maruko-chan.