研究构建了涵盖 1954 - 2022 年中国气候变化政策严格程度的数据集,包含 2216 条经过清洗和整理的政策记录。数据集以年序列格式组织,详细记录了每条政策的多种信息,如政策类型、所属领域、手动评级和机器学习计算的严格程度得分等。同时,提供了多层跨部门词汇表的整体版本和拆分版本,以及 README 文件指导数据使用和分析。
Tim Flannery searches for leadership on climate change, looking for the leaders who will drive change and how they will ...
Tim Flannery searches for leadership on climate change, looking for the leaders who will drive change and how they will ...
"The United States notified the Secretary-General, in his capacity as depositary, of its withdrawal, on 27 January 2025, from the Paris Agreement of 12 December 2015," Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for ...
(法新纽约联合国总部28日电) 联合国今天证实,已接获华府告知,美国退出因应气候变迁的「巴黎协定」。这是美国总统川普竞选期间的一项重要承诺。