Fractures of the condyle are still today the subject of much discussion, especially as regards standardizing the therapy, due to the wide variety of forms this may take, and because of the ...
Broken bones are common injuries, and many children will experience at least one fracture (break) in their growing years. How they happen—and how we treat them—can be very different in children than ...
This caused a collision with a UJ 540-plated motorcycle driven by 22-year-old Hamza Nazır, who had the right of way with a green light. Hamza Nazır sustained a jaw fracture and was admitted to the ...
Specifically, the TMJ serves as the hinge joint that connects the mandibular condyle and acts as the articular surface to the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone (1). This article presents a rare case ...
If you’re familiar with the Broken Windows theory of policing, you may have learned of it, perhaps indirectly, from Malcolm Gladwell’s bestseller The Tipping Point, published 25 years ago. In the book ...
At the hospital, an X-ray and CT scan confirmed that Wasim had suffered two fractures in her jaw. "I bit into it and only made a hole, and my jaw started to hurt. My friend looked over and said my ...
Police have made an arrest after a Virginia hospital opened an investigation into multiple babies who suffered "unexplainable fractures" in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Henrico Doctors ...
During the last 2 decades, many studies on the treatment of mandibular condyle fracture have been published. However, the timing and methodology of treatment are still widely debated, despite the ...
The mandibular bone, apart from the condylar process, is intramembranous and its development can be divided into a pre-osteogenic phase, which covers mesenchymal condensation, and later ...