The Stevens Institute approach is a new computational method of "clipping" a volume to extract information inside, creating a clipping spline able to give a cutaway view of 3D items and track changes ...
先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease,CHD)是指胎儿时期心脏血管发育异常而致的心血管畸形,是小儿最常见的心脏病。在1000个出生存活的婴儿中,发生该病者约6-8名。中国每年大约有15万新生婴儿患有各种类型的先天性心脏病。
先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease,CHD)是指胎儿时期心脏血管发育异常而致的心血管畸形,是小儿最常见的心脏病。在1000个出生存活的婴儿中,发生该病者约6-8名。中国每年大约有15万新生婴儿患有各种类型的先天性心脏病。 先天性心脏病困扰儿童的几个因素 1、胎儿发育的环境因素: ...
Researchers have developed a new software tool that provides unprecedented capabilities to see inside 3D images. Its ...
King of Hearts Sir Magdi Yacoub has unveiled a groundbreaking advancement in heart valve transplantation, valves that grow ...
A GoFundMe effort is well on its way to helping a young Belfast man, born with a rare congenital heart disease at birth, who ...
He's always smiling," father Luis Ceja said. Valerio Ceja was born with a congenital heart defect, and has already endured more than most people face in a lifetime. "He is strong, and he is so ...
Evelyn Otto had her first heart surgery at 3 months old, but it was the first of many. From an artificial heart valve to a pacemaker before her first birthday, infections and even cardiac arrest, she ...
The Mirabel family is seeking N25 million naira for their daughter's heart surgery correction. The mother who spoke with our ...
Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS), in collaboration with Somalia's Ministry of Health (MOH), dispatched 'Little Hearts' ...