"Explore Culture Quest to discover more of The Supereme's fascinating human interest stories, shocking discoveries, rare creatures, and mesmerizing curiosities from around the world." ...
Sphere of Influence. In iAssembloids, microglia (red) form projections (white arrows), while astrocytes (green) assume star shapes typically found in the brain. [Courtesy of Kampmann et al., 2025.] ...
Individual cells in the brain light up for specific ideas. These concept neurons, once known as “Jennifer Aniston cells,” ...
When military personnel fire certain powerful weapons, they may be exposed to blast waves that damage blood vessels in the ...
SORL1 dysfunction messes with endosomes in neurons, and with lysosomes in microglia.
Wireless’ deep brain stimulation technique offers promising potential for neurodegenerative diseases BEIJING — Parkinson’s ...
Morphological profiling allows accurate identification of cell types in dense iPSC-derived cultures, allowing its use for quality control and differentiation monitoring.
Dopaminergic neurons efficiently take up N-7 and express miR-7 ... with five replicates per group, and incubated overnight. The culture medium was then removed. The blank group received no treatment, ...
That’s all by design. It’s like a central brain trust — everything kind of pulsing out of that group, like neurons firing through a spinal cord. Everybody talking. Or debating. Everybody contributing.
Neural networks work with multiple layers of computational units that function as neurons. “Each neuron can take an input, and those inputs can be, let’s say, numbers,” says Bandyopadhyay.
A study led by neuroscientist Viji Santhakumar at the University of California, Riverside, and collaborators at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey, offers insights into how the gene neuropilin2 ...
Like previous studies, the initial results showed a decrease in the activity of genes associated with neuronal circuits. These decreases were seen in neurons, the primary circuitry cells, as well as ...