What are the best anime shows to watch in 2025? It's an impossible question, one weighed down by the dozens of fantastic new anime series that are released every year. To help cut through the ...
The 1990s was a golden era for anime where some of the most iconic and beloved series in anime history were aired. When anime enthusiasts discuss the best 90s anime, they often reminisce about a time ...
This comedy anime has a simple plot, but it is addictive to watch for its silliness. It’s a norm for anime protagonists to become stronger over time and enjoy their progress. This formula is used by ...
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of My Melody, a cute stop-motion series from WIT Studio’s Toruku is coming to Netflix exclusively. The award-winning manga from Mokumokuren is finally receiving ...
You no longer need to comb the bowels of the internet to watch Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and One Punch Man. These anime streaming services bring Japan's finest animation to your TV or mobile device.
What are good Roblox usernames? A good username is unique and it must suit your gaming personality in Roblox. You also have to check if the username is available under the TOS first. Grab any username ...