Breakthrough could – eventually – impact smartphone and mobile computing A new approach to materials engineering promises to overcome the limitation of capacitors commonly used in smartphones, ...
Interactions between atoms and light rule the behavior of our physical world, but at the same time, can be extremely complex.
A new study reveals how tropical ocean temperatures influence rainfall variability in the Middle East, impacting water ...
NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale satellites have observed bird-like chorus waves in the Earth's mid-tail neutral sheet, ...
NASA's MMS mission discovered whistler-mode chorus waves in an unexpected region, the terrestrial mid-tail neutral sheet, ...
The findings have significant implications for studying space weather and the relationship between the Sun and the Earth's ...
Now, in a recent study published in Physical Review Letters, Rey and JILA and NIST Fellow James K. Thompson, along with ...
Robert Aymar, CERN Director-General from January 2004 to December 2008, passed away on 23 September at the age of 88.