The sushi is served directly by hand onto wooden trays on the countertop – similar to how it’s done in omakase restaurants, except that here, you get to pick what you eat. Photograph ...
Eating breakfast regularly has been shown to help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity, according to UC Davis Health. There is also evidence that ...
Recently, reading “Some Lines Written in Clare Priory Yard,” by G.C. Waldrep, I recognized a Heidegger reference: “I am,/in these moments, at the center of the world worlding.” I might ...
One of Calgary’s most popular spots for sushi is opening its first Edmonton outpost. Kinjo Sushi & Grill is opening its doors at South Edmonton Common on January 15. The spot is known to be ...
Eating one or more daily servings of unprocessed red meat was linked to a 16% higher risk of subjective cognitive decline than eating less than half a daily serving. Researchers found that the ...
tessy morelli/Stocksy Past studies show that eating processed meats can increase a person’s risk for several health issues, including dementia and cognitive decline. A new study reports that ...
Raisins are dehydrated grapes and come in two varieties: black (from red grapes) and golden (from green grapes). They are sweet—though they don’t contain any added sugar—and chewy. Raisins are packed ...