A comedy-drama, Sivarapalli, follows the daily trials and funny misadventures of an engineering graduate from Hyderabad as he reluctantly takes up the job of a Panchayat Secretary at Sivarapalli, a re ...
Ever wondered what the world would look like a century from now? If so, you're not the only one. Televisions existed in a very basic and experimental form during the 1920s, with John Logie Baird ...
The displacement of the inner diameter of the tube with respect to its outer diameter (i.e., deviation from a common center). The permissible degree of eccentricity can be expressed by a plus and ...
Jocelyn Wildenstein, the Swiss socialite known for her love of plastic surgery, died on Tuesday at the age of 84. The tabloid fixture’s longtime partner, Lloyd Klein, told People that Wildenstein died ...
After a hearing with the NHL Department of Player Safety, a Nashville Predators forward has been suspended for a tripping/slew-footing incident in a recent game. Predators' winger Zachary L ...
European manufacturing activity fell sharply in December Asia's factory activity slows amid weak Chinese demand U.S. activity contracts for a 6th straight month Trump's tariff threats impact major ...
The 58-year-old, who has earned cult status for his eccentric antics - both on and off the course - enjoyed boozy celebrations on New Year's Eve. Daly was seen downing beverages alongside friends ...